Monthly Archives: June 2013

Partridge Rock Chicken, Hen Hackle

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PartridgeRockChickenPartridge Rock Chicken, Hen Hackle

Medium or
Small Bag

This is chicken hen hackle, about two to four inches long, beautifully edged with gold, the main body is dark gray, with a speckled line running right up the middle. From a dark gray Partridge Rock Hen. Dramatic feather. 25 feathers per bag.

Category: Feathers

Silver Spangled Hamburg Chicken

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SilverSpangledHamburgSilver Spangled Hamburg Chicken
Medium or
Small Bag

Two to three inches long, these feathers haveĀ  black and white soft feather base, rising to a white feather with a black tip… often a black spot as the tip. A black spot on a feather is called a “spangle”, thus the name of the chicken. The black has a little bit of iridescence in strong sunlight. Our feathers are carefully washed, dried, put through a freeze/thaw cycle, and hand packaged. The Medium bags are @ 6 in x 3 in and have @ 25 feathers each.

Category: Feathers

Chukar Partridge Flank Feathers

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Screen shot 2013-04-21 at 4.15.04 PMChukar Partridge Flank Feathers
Medium or
Small Bag

@25 barred flank feathers from our Chukar Partridge. They range from 1 – 3 inches in length. Chukar have a gray and tan aspect, and these distinctive feathers sit on either side of their breast, making them stand out all year round. Each bag has only the flank feathers, and we have other listings with other Chukar body feathers. Scroll down for a picture of the feather.

Category: Feathers